Thursday, March 7, 2013

Every family has weirdos :-)

Allow me to introduce you to the other members of our little family. We share our home with a prissy Dachshund named Daphne, and a precocious kitty named Kitchi.

She may look cute, but she's vicious when it comes to barking at the neighbors while safely standing behind me.
Here we see the wild Kitchi in his natural habitat. He sits high atop couch cushion mountain while he humbly surveys his domain.

Kitchi came to live with our family in February of 2007 as a teeny weeny tiny kitten with the biggest ears you have ever seen. We had no idea that one day he would, in fact, be bigger than our dog (13 lbs! Wow!). Kitchi grew up around 4 dogs, so he adopted many dog-like traits. He begs, he "barks" to alert us to dangerous birds and other nefarious cats hanging around the premises, and he LOVES water. His favorite activity is climbing into the shower with us in the morning. He's a nutcase, but we love him :-)

Daphne was rescued from the floor of a dormant volcano, half alive, flea-bitten, and missing an eye...just kidding! Daphne was Sydney's anniversary present to me in October of 2007. She was born a runt and has a litter-mate named Wendy that resides with my in-laws across town. Daphne is the ultimate girly dog, with a few added neuroses. She's only 9.5 lbs and her fur is super soft. She enjoys playing with her Kong toy (LITERALLY, could do this for hours), snuggling in her "nest" of blankies, and playing with her brofur Kitich who adores her! She is a bit overly attached to me because she has separation anxiety. This means she will not eat if I am not in the house (often only if I am in the same room) and she must be within visual range of me at all times. Little weirdo. :-)

The four of us together are the Murray family. We may annoy one another from time to time but we still have love.